
On the morning of 2nd Aug 2015, we had the biggest turnout of students ever, vying to become Pragati Scholars. Around 170 bright and hopeful faces, along with their family members, filled the grounds of Rotary Club near Coles Park. There was a lot to be done besides managing such a large crowd – conducting the test, marking the test papers, short-listing candidates, announcing the results, conducting interviews and short-listing the final selections. It seemed daunting at first. However, Pragati has been blessed with a new bunch of enthusiastic volunteers who were Pragati Scholars themselves! Their energy, acumen, initiative made the days proceeding quite smooth and wrinkle-free.

We ended the day with 32 new scholars in the Pragati family. We extend a warm welcome to all of them and hope that they have a fruitful association with Pragati and continue to keep the Pragati tradition flying once they graduate.